Pranarom - Veriditas


Regular price $12.50 Sale price $13.50


Myristica fragrans
Origin: Sri Lanka
Size: 2ml

Synonyms: Myristica offcinalis, Myristica moschata, Myristica aromatica, Myristica amboinensis

Cultivation: USDA and EcoCert Organic Cultivation in Sri Lanka

Composition: 100% Nutmeg essential oil, certified organic by USDA and EcoCert

Extraction: Water-steam distillation

Active Constituents: Sabinene, pinen, myristicine

Viscosity: Thin

Color: Clear yellow brown

About: Nutmeg is best known as a flavor in pumpkin pie and other fall and winter culinary delights. The essential oil is distilled from the seed of the nutmeg tree and has a woody, spicy aroma. Nutmeg essential oil may help maintain a healthy digestive system and a healthy respiratory system, as well as healthy muscles, joints, and sleep.

Common Uses: Nutmeg is added to a wide variety of blends for therapeutic uses and for its scent, especially in the fall and winter. Try adding Nutmeg to winter and holiday soaps, potpourri, room sprays and cleaners. Aromatherapists use it in blends for promoting healthy joints, muscles and a healthy digestive system.

Blending Recommendations: Nutmeg’s woody and spicy aroma is a middle note in perfumes and colognes. With sophisticated blending, nutmeg can be the secret to perfecting personalized scents.

Anise, Bay Laurel, Black Pepper, Cardamom, Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Cocoa Perfume, Fennel, Frankincense, Ginger, Lavender, Lemongrass, Sweet Lime, Myrrh, Oregano, Patchouli, Peppermint, Rose Otto, Rosemary cineole, Sandalwood, Spikenard, St. John’s Wort, Tulsi, Vanilla Perfume, Vetiver, Yarrow, Ylang Ylang.

Safety Information: Nutmeg essential oil should not be used during pregnancy, with children or with the elderly. Nutmeg essential oil can produce temporary psychotropic effects, headaches or nausea when used in excess because it contains myristicine. Our Nutmeg contains a very low amount of myristicine, making it much safer than most Nutmeg oils.

Maximum adult dilution: 5%; 30 drops per ounce of carrier.


Sabinene 37.50%

Alpha-pinene 16.96%

Beta-Pinene 11.96%

Terpinen-4-ol 4.45%

(+)-Limonene 3.79%

Terpinene 3.49%

Myristicine 2.7%

Beta-phellandrene 2.39%

3-carene 1.04%

Safrole 0.94%

Nutmeg essential oil contains 110 naturally occurring compounds.

Shelf Life: 4 years in proper storage.

Storage: Store with the cap firmly closed, standing upright, out of direct heat and sunlight.

Notes: Non-GMO, No pesticides, No insecticides, No additives, Gluten free, Vegan, Cruelty free, No carrier oil added.

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